手拉手 由美国前驻华记者Rebecca和她的中国丈夫刘健共同创建于2017年,初心与使命是让中国家庭在音乐领域与世界同步,旗下有家庭电音节、家庭音乐节、家庭音乐课等演出和教育品牌。手拉手系列演出已在23个中国城市举办,所到之处都受到了中国家庭的热烈欢迎。Hand in Hand was founded in 2017 by Liu Jian, a Chinese author and musician, and his wife Rebecca, an American journalist. Their vision was to bring the best music for kids and families from around the world to families in China. Hand in Hand puts on all-ages music festivals, family raves, kid-friendly concerts, and music classes for the whole family. We've already toured our festivals to 23 cities in China to wide acclaim from kids and adults alike.
联系我们 CONTACT:info@handinhandchina.com